EMOTION – May 2016

EMOTION increases uptake and correct and consistent use of ARV-based HIV prevention products by women at high risk of HIV infection using an end-user centered strategy.

First HCD trip completed and umbrella brand developed. EMOTION completed its first human centered design (HCD) trip, Kalahari 1, in December 2015. The team interviewed more than 50 young women, men, health care providers and community leaders in both urban and rural regions in South Africa. Eight PrEP products – oral tablet, vaginal ring, injectable, patch, vaginal insert, vaginal film, intrauterine device, and implant – were shown and discussed. Based on the feedback received, the team summarized the design principles and developed a unique umbrella brand and outlined message themes. Additionally, the design of two PrEP products was improved for further iteration.

Second HCD trip planned. EMOTION chose two products to include for the second phase of the HCD study, Kalahari 2, which is scheduled to kick off in May. The team will visit South Africa in June 2016. Feedback will be collected from live prototyping experiments. These results will guide the final design iterations, while also inform the socio-behavioral study and product introduction campaign.

Pilot marketing study designed. Abt Associates has partnered with Matchboxology, a marketing and advertising firm in South Africa, to conduct a pilot marketing study using controlled market behavior simulation methodology, in the eThekwini Municipality of Durban, as well as Johannesburg and Cape Town later this year.

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