“How to Scale Up PrEP” section launching on PrEPWatch.org

“How to Scale Up PrEP” section launching on PrEPWatch.org

Photo Credit: AVAC

AVAC has added a new section to PrEPWatch that offers a step-by-step framework for planning the introduction of oral PrEP, country-specific PrEP updates, case studies, key players, and tools. Based on OPTIONS work in Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, the “How to Scale Up PrEP” section outlines the steps in the process of rolling out oral PrEP and provides tools and resources for each step. Information is organized based on the FSG value chain, with information and tools on: creating policies, plans, and budgets; setting up systems for supply chain management; identifying and addressing delivery considerations and best practices; developing marketing and communications strategies to promote demand and uptake; and ensuring program quality and progress through monitoring and evaluation. New resources will be added as they become available, so users are encouraged to check these pages frequently.

This section is live, but we would love to hear feedback on the organization, content, or anything else you’d like to see! Please e-mail MPiiPrepwatch@optionsconsortium.org.

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